So I'm clearly doing something with my second most beloved character, vanessa rose. but, WHAT, exactly, am I working on?
For now, while also finishing robin quest remastered, I'm making slut quest rides again. made in the same model as project aura remastered, slut quest rides again is a complete remake of the original, coded in js and made in html5. but like pa remastered, rides again is so much more.
- completely redone animations
- a new world hub, made as i imagined the original to be.
- new scenarios
- new characters
- custom written music, and a load of it
- COMPLETE rework of balance. old stats are no longer secondary to sex
- a redone plot (game has a plot now)
- a redone ending
should it prove successful, now that I've grasped enough JS, maybe the third slut quest game will finally manifest itself.
that's up to you to decide. watch this space. big things are coming.